• Start A Shipment
  • Compare Rates
  • Purchase & Print
  • Let's get this ship started. Enter the address, dimensions, weight and we'll show you all the carrier shipping options and prices. Your ship, your choice, JShip.
    You'll be able to add the rest of your information after selecting a rate.

    • Indicates required field

    Select from dropdown or enter address manually Enter address manually
    Field is required
    Select from address lookup
    Select from dropdown or enter address manually Enter address manually
    Field is required
    Select from address lookup

    Field is required

    • Size (Inches)

    Careful shipper!

    The dimensions for the total package (length, width and height) must be accurate. Submitting an incorrectly measured package will result in a cancelled shipment or a very expensive recharge.

    Package dimensions must be 1 or greater
    • Weight
    Heads up!

    If you would like to ship through USPS, packages must all be under 70 lbs (31.75 kgs).

    Careful shipper!

    Declared value is not insurance and will impact the cost of the shipment. The higher the value, the higher the cost. Put only the true replacement value of the shipment that you can easily prove to the carrier should they lose your package.

    Declared value cannot exceed $50,000 (USD)
    Length Height Width

    Is this a freight package?

    Based on the size and weight of your package, you may be required to ship freight. Please adjust the size and weight, or use this link to ship this package as freight.

    Ship as freight
    Error copy

    Skip the ship show™ at the store and save money with our discount shipping prices. Cheap ship with JShip.”

    UPS Logo
    FedEx Logo

    A uniformed employee of the carrier of your choice will pickup your package if requested. You can also drop your JShip labeled package at a carrier drop off point that's convenient for you. JShip works around your schedule.

    JShip gives you cheap ship! Huge savings over your local store with international, express, or domestic options. The savings are huge. JShip also helps with confusing international shipping documentation requirements.

    JShip links you directly with these trusted carriers above. These carriers offer reliable shipping experience and have dedicated customer service. Choose any speed, price, signature requirements, value, etc. It's your choice with JShip.

    A uniformed employee of the carrier of your choice will pickup your package if requested. You can also drop your JShip labeled package at a carrier drop off point that's convenient for you. JShip works around your schedule.

    JShip gives you cheap ship! Huge savings over your local store with international, express, or domestic options. The savings are huge. JShip also helps with confusing international shipping documentation requirements.

    JShip links you directly with these trusted carriers above. These carriers offer reliable shipping experience and have dedicated customer service. Choose any speed, price, signature requirements, value, etc. It's your choice with JShip.


    Follow these quick tops to help you get your package to its destination safely, on time, and for less.

    Scheduling a Pick-Up from Home

    Don't want to leave your place? Save a trip with JShip! We'll walk you through how to schedule a pickup from your place so you can stay put and stay safe.

    Learn more

    Weighing & Measuring from Home

    Don't have a package scale? No problem! We'll help you find a way to weigh.

    Learn more

    Shipment Protection & Insurance

    Shipping something extra special? We'll walk you through the basics of shipment protection; it's not what you think.

    Learn more